Press Registration
Request Media List
The Bio-IT World West Conference & Expo media list will be available to all exhibitors approximately 3-4 weeks prior the event. Companies that are exhibiting, sponsoring or speaking, as well as their PR firms, may request a copy of the press list.
Please email your press list requests to Rich Handy or Jim MacNeil – your name will be added to the distribution list and you will receive the press lists as they are available and then updated. If you are the PR
firm working with a Bio-IT World West Conference & Expo exhibitor, sponsor or speaker – please note which company you are working with.
Bio-IT World West Conference & Expo Press Room
Press kits can be dropped off in the Tri-Conference Press Room, which is located in the exhibit hall, and is only open during exhibit hall hours.
Post Your Press Releases
If you have news that you would like to share, we encourage you to post your press releases at no cost on Bio-IT World, Clinical Informatics News and Diagnostics World. For any other media related questions, contact Rich Handy or Jim MacNeil